Inventory of emissions to atmospheric air

Air emission inventory is an important step in assessing the environmental impact of an enterprise. Let's look at the main aspects of the emissions inventory and its importance:

  • Purpose of the emissions inventory: The main purpose is to identify and estimate the amount of air pollutant emissions from the operations of the enterprise.
  • Need for inventory: Emissions inventory is mandatory for all enterprises with stationary sources of air pollution, regardless of the type of activity. It is required for the company to be registered with the state environmental control and supervision agency.
  • Timing of the inventory: The inventory is carried out in case of certain changes at the enterprise, such as technical re-equipment, installation of new equipment, reconstruction, changes in production volumes, exceeding of permissible emissions, as well as on the instructions of the state body of environmental control and supervision.
  • Content of the inventory report: The report should contain information on the nature of emissions, sources, quantity and chemical composition of pollutants, as well as measures to reduce emissions.
  • Significance of the inventory report: This report is not only necessary for the company's accounting in the state body of environmental control and supervision, but is also used to calculate the amount of payment for negative environmental impact, development of emission reduction projects and other environmental documentation.

Thus, emission inventory is an important tool for controlling the environmental impact of industrial facilities and ensuring compliance with environmental regulations and requirements.

Hazardous waste inventory

Waste inventory is the systematic process of identifying, recording and classifying all sources of hazardous waste generation, storage and disposal within an enterprise. Here are the main aspects of this process:

  • Purpose of waste inventory: The main purpose is to provide a complete and accurate picture of the quantity, quality and characteristics of waste generated at the facility for subsequent management and compliance with environmental and health regulations.
  • When an inventory is carried out: Hazardous waste inventory is carried out at various points in time, such as the development of draft standards of formation and limits on waste disposal, as well as in the process of waste passportisation or when it is necessary to update information on waste at the enterprise.
  • The procedure for conducting an inventory:

Step 1: An experienced ecologist inspects the facility and identifies all waste generation and storage sites. Waste samples are also collected for further laboratory testing.

Step 2: Laboratory tests are carried out to confirm the characteristics of the waste. A laboratory report is prepared for each sample, indicating the hazardous waste number in the State Classifier of Hazardous Wastes (SCHW).

Stage 3: The environmental engineer draws up an inventory report, which includes a complete list of hazardous wastes with their hazard class and SCCO number, as well as a map of waste generation, storage and disposal sites at the enterprise.

  • Content of the inventory report: The inventory report contains a list of waste generation sources, waste names with SCCO numbers and their hazard class, description of physical and chemical characteristics of waste, map of waste generation and disposal sites, and information on further waste disposal.

Thus, waste inventory helps businesses to manage waste effectively, comply with legislation and reduce negative environmental impact.

EIA registration

Waste inventory is the process of identifying and accounting for all sources of hazardous waste generation, storage and disposal at an enterprise. It plays an important role in the waste management system and is an integral part of environmental control. Let's look at the main aspects of waste inventory:

  • Purpose of the waste inventory: The main purpose of the waste inventory is to provide a complete and accurate record of all waste streams and their characteristics in order to develop effective waste management and environmental compliance strategies.
  • When an inventory is carried out: Waste inventories are carried out periodically, as well as when necessary, for example, when developing draft standards for waste generation and limits on waste disposal or when carrying out waste passportisation.
  • Waste Inventory Procedure:

Step 1: Identification and characterisation of waste sources: In this step, a site visit is conducted to identify all waste generation and storage sites. Waste samples are collected for subsequent laboratory testing.

Step 2: Laboratory analysis: Waste samples are subjected to laboratory analyses to determine their characteristics, e.g. hazard class, physical and chemical properties.

Step 3: Report writing: Based on the results of the survey and laboratory analyses, a waste inventory report is prepared. The report specifies the list of wastes, their characteristics, as well as information on waste generation and storage locations at the enterprise.

  • Report content: The waste inventory report contains the following information:
  • List of sources of waste generation and generation.
  • Names of wastes, their hazard class and hazard code numbers.
  • Physical and chemical characteristics of waste.
  • Map of waste generation, storage and disposal sites at the enterprise.
  • Information on further disposal or treatment of waste.

Thus, waste inventory is an important stage in waste management at the enterprise, which allows to systematise information on produced waste and develop effective waste management measures.

Draft Maximum Permissible Emissions (MPEs)

A draft MPE, or draft permissible emissions, is a document that sets limits on emissions of certain substances into the atmosphere that are permitted for an enterprise under environmental protection legislation. This project defines the norms of permissible air pollution, which the enterprise may exceed only if it has the appropriate authorisation or approval from the environmental control authorities.

The draft MPE is developed by the enterprise or its authorised specialists taking into account the legislation on environmental protection and the requirements of supervisory authorities. It is developed prior to the start of the enterprise's operations or in case of changes in technological processes that may affect the volume of emissions into the atmosphere.

The draft MPE (Draft Permissible Emissions) and draft NPD (Draft Permissible Emission Standards) are one and the same thing. Both documents set standards for permissible air pollution. There are no differences between them.

The period of validity of maximum permissible emissions is determined in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and is usually 5-10 years. After the expiry of this period, it is necessary to update the draft MPE and agree it with the relevant authorities.

The development of an EAP project can be challenging due to the need to accurately comply with environmental legislation, analyse emissions, determine compliance with limits and prepare the necessary documentation for approval by regulatory authorities. It is also important to recognise that the process of approving a draft EAP may take a long time due to the need for expert reviews and discussions with stakeholders.

Hazard class 1-4 waste passport

A waste passport is a document that contains details of the origin, quantity, composition, type and hazard level of waste generated by an enterprise or organisation.

Waste passportisation is mandatory for all enterprises (legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) that produce hazard class I-IV waste as part of their activities.

Passportisation is required for all wastes classified as hazard classes I-IV according to the hazard classification: 1) wastes posing the greatest hazard to the environment; 2) wastes with significant environmental impact; 3) wastes causing serious harm to the environment; 4) wastes with insignificant environmental impact.

The waste passport is signed by the General Director of the company and is kept by the company. It is considered to be valid indefinitely if the waste itself is registered in the relevant register, but a separate passport is required for each new type of waste.

Liquid household waste belongs to the IV class of hazard, which is characterised by insignificant environmental impact.

Environmental Control Programme (ECP)

An Environmental Control Programme (ECP) is a document that describes the procedure and methods for controlling environmental impact at an enterprise.

The EMP should specify criteria and methods for air, soil and water monitoring, as well as the frequency and methods of control measurements. The development of this programme is mandatory for enterprises with adverse environmental impacts, including EIA Category 1-4 facilities, as well as for obtaining an EIA or Integrated Environmental Permit.

Based on the results of the IEC programme, the enterprise submits an annual report on the programme implementation to the state environmental control and supervision authorities.

The IEC programme is developed for each production facility, taking into account its impact assessment category, applied technologies and peculiarities of the production process. It is developed once, except for cases of change of technological processes, appearance of new sources of pollution or elimination of existing ones.

The IEC programme itself is signed by the head of the enterprise and is accompanied by an annual report on its implementation. In addition to the IEC, enterprises are also required to develop other environmental documents, such as a PDV, EMP, EIA and an application for a comprehensive environmental permit.

The IEC programme is developed after the enterprise is registered as an object of negative environmental impact. There is no need to update the IECP when the General Director changes, except for cases of technical re-equipment, modernisation of the enterprise or change of its legal address.

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