
Geotechnical monitoring

Geo Poisk LLС is one of the foremost CIS companies in providing high-quality and reliable monitoring for exploration investigations due to experienced and strong-willed geologists and geotechnical engineers with knowledge of modern international QA/QC quality control standards at all stages of operations, which in turn ensures the reliability of work values close to 100%.

Execution of geotechnical core logging for pit design or underground mines. The information we receive is utilised to identify the properties of rock formations that determine their performance and reaction when sloping pits, gallery driving, stoping, shrink stoping.

Drilling process monitoring and setting an orientation line along the core is one of the main assignments for reliable data when logging the core.

Sampling for testing is selected according to the client's requirements. Packaging, waxing and labeling of samples is carried out according to the criteria for transportation.

The determination of physical and mechanical properties with the compilation of reports is carried out by the partners of Geo Poisk LLC in the shortest possible time. Priority in terms of deadlines due to long and continuous cooperation.

Interpretation of measurement data with a TV viewer is performed by specialists of Geo Poisk LLC for more reliable orientation data.

The ratings are calculated by specialists from Australia using data on physical and mechanical properties, data parameters in logging and a TV viewer.

The utility of internal QA/QC quality control allows for open control of geotechnical engineers and their logging. (internal regulations)

Working in pairs. Geologist and geotechnical engineer always work in pairs, which allows you to log the core in more detail and at the same time highlight the geological parameters. (internal regulations)

Core logging equipment used:

- Rock Schmidt

- Equotip

- Goniometer HQ, HQ 3, NQ, NQ3,

- Reflex Orientator

Work experience and advantage of Geo Poisk LLC (Brief information)

During 2022-2023 Geo Poisk LLC has completed the following:

Geotechnical logging of the oriented core: 56000 l.m.

Software used: Acquire, AGR, ARM Geolog, Leapfrog, AutoCAD, Imago

Projects: 5

Clients: 5 companies, 3 of them are major.

Reports: 5

Staff for geotechnical drilling process monitoring:

Geologists with 10+ years of experience: 27 people, incl. 30+ years of experience: 7 ppl

Geologists/geotechnical engineers with 5+ years of experience: 15 ppl

Employees with experience within Geo Poisk LLC for more than 3 years: 10 ppl

Modeling Geologist: 4 ppl

Drilling experts: 4 ppl

Location: Russia, Kazakhstan

Occupational Safety and Health at Geo Poisk LLC is a priority at any site.

Geo Poisk LLC guarantees the quality, reliability and credibility of work related to geotechnical monitoring of drilling operations.

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