Industrial safety

Identification of hazardous production facility throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan

We identify a hazardous production facility and compile information describing the facility.

Identification of a hazardous production facility consists in determining its hazard class out of four possible classes for subsequent registration with the RK State Supervisory Authorities. This process allows assigning a certain hazard class to the facility and verifying its compliance with industrial safety standards. Identification of a hazardous industrial facility is the first step towards its registration and obtaining an operating licence for explosion-, fire- and chemical-hazardous facilities.

In case an object corresponds to several hazard classes at the same time, the highest class is determined.

Identification can be done remotely, especially for simple facilities, through examination of project documentation.

Changing the hazard class after registration is possible, but it is a complicated procedure that will probably require the development of a technical upgrade project to reduce the hazard of the facility and passing an industrial safety expertise, as well as re-registration.

After identification of a PPO, it is necessary to register it, take into account all technical devices, and develop a PPK. Different procedures are required for facilities of different hazard classes, including obtaining an operating licence, developing a declaration and an industrial safety system.

The registration procedure cannot be avoided and the cost of identification depends on various factors, including the availability of information about the object and the number of objects to be identified.

Registration of hazardous production facility throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan

We carry out turnkey registration of hazardous production facilities and work throughout the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Registration of hazardous production facilities (or "registration of hazardous production facilities") is a procedure that includes registration of a hazardous facility, its technical devices and equipment with the Gosnadzor of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The result of this registration is the issuance of a registration certificate containing a unique number of the facility and its hazard class.

If an enterprise has several hazardous production facilities, each of them must be identified and registered with Gosnadzor RK. In case such facilities are located at the same address, they will be reflected in a single certificate of HPO registration.

If a hazardous object corresponds to several hazard classes at the same time, the highest class is selected.

Certification of employees in the RK state supervisory authorities is not required for registration of OPO, however, it is required for obtaining a licence to operate OPO. For this purpose, the Chief Engineer and at least 3 employees of the enterprise must be certified in industrial safety and train the rest of the employees who will work with the RPO.

Changing the hazard class is possible only through technical re-equipment of the facility and passing an expert examination.

When adding new technical equipment to an already registered RPO, it is necessary to assess whether this will entail changes in the operation of the facility. If so, it requires the development of a technical upgrade project and expertise.

It is only possible to avoid the procedure for registering an RPO if the facility does not have any hazardous features.

Application for registration of RPO is submitted to the territorial body of Gosnadzor at the place of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, even if the RPO is operated in other regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

After obtaining a certificate of registration of the RPO, all technical devices should be registered, industrial safety documentation should be developed and a licence to operate the facility should be obtained.

Registration of technical devices with Kaztechnadzor

Registration of technical devices is a procedure whereby technical devices (equipment) used at a hazardous production facility are registered with Gosnadzor RK. As a result of this procedure, the devices are assigned a unique identification number

All technical devices used at a hazardous production facility must be registered with Gosnadzor. For example, a gas consumption network requires registration of all pipes, gas candles, gas turbines and other equipment used in the operation of the network.

To register technical devices, the following documents must be submitted to Gosnadzor:

  • Application: Application for registration of a technical device.
  • Installation quality certificate (for pressure vessels, e.g. boilers): This document is drawn up by the organisation that carried out the installation and must be signed by the head of that organisation.
  • Certificate of commissioning of equipment: Certificate of readiness of pressurised equipment for commissioning of a hazardous facility.
  • TR CU Certificate: Certificate of conformity of the device to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.
  • Technical device passport: A document containing information on the values of the main parameters and characteristics (properties) of the device.
  • Results of technical inspection or expertise: The act of technical inspection of the device or the conclusion of industrial safety expertise for the equipment to be registered.

Licence for operation of industrial facilities

The Licence for Operation of Explosion, Fire and Chemical Hazardous Production Facilities (OPF Operation Licence) is an official document authorising the operation of hazardous facilities of hazard class 1-3 in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In order to obtain a licence it is necessary to certify the manager and employees who will work at the facility in the field of industrial safety A1. It is also required to certify at least 2 employees carrying out production control and the manager. Upon completion of the certification, a commission of certified employees is formed, which is obliged to train the rest of the company's employees working at the facility.

An application for a licence to operate an RPO is submitted to the territorial body of Gosnadzor for hazard class 3 facilities and to the head Gosnadzor of the Republic of Kazakhstan for hazard class 1-2 facilities.

There is no need to certify employees to the Gosnadzor for registration of OPO; however, certification of the chief engineer and at least 3 employees of the enterprise in industrial safety is required to obtain a licence.

If the facility does not have any hazardous features, the registration procedure can be avoided. It is not possible to transfer a perpetual licence from one legal entity to another, and a change of ownership or other significant changes requires a procedure for re-issuing the document.

Re-issuance of an operating licence is required in the event of sale, purchase, change of ownership, significant changes to the facility or its production processes.

Hazard Class 4 facilities do not require licensing. Registration and development of a regulation on production control are sufficient for them.

Regulations on the Investigation of Accidents and Incidents - elaboration

The Regulation on the Procedure for Technical Investigation of the Causes of Incidents at a Hazardous Production Facility is a mandatory document that approves the regulations for investigating the causes of accidents or incidents at a hazardous production facility.

The Regulation on Investigation Procedure contains consistent instructions for accident investigation, rules for the formation of an investigation commission, and protocols for interviewing eyewitnesses.

The cost of GRO registration depends on several factors.

We guarantee quality development of the provision


  • Identify your hazardous production facility and determine its hazard class;
  • collect all the necessary documents for the registration of OPO;
  • develop accident investigation regulations and other documentation;
  • We will submit all documents and assist in registering the facility and obtaining a licence to operate the OPF.

You'll get:

  • Developed up-to-date accident and incident investigation regulations to meet the 2023 requirements;
  • If necessary, we will help you obtain a certificate of registration of an industrial facility and a licence to operate an industrial facility

Regulations on production control - development

The Regulations on Industrial Control (RIC) is a unified regulation defining the actions of the enterprise personnel to comply with and control industrial safety norms and rules at the facility where hazardous production facilities (HPFs) are operated

In order for an industrial control regulation to be considered accepted, it must be signed by the head of the company, such as the chief engineer, general manager or industrial control manager.

In case the OPC is not approved by Gosnadzor, it can still be used to obtain a licence to operate a hazardous production facility. When applying for a licence to operate a hazardous production facility, the Production Control Provision is submitted together with the PMLA (Plan of Measures for Localisation and Elimination of Accidents).

It is recommended to develop a regulation on industrial control with the participation of professional experts or specialised organisations. It is important to take into account the industry specifics and requirements for the operation of OPO.

The Regulation on Production Control is developed for all enterprises that operate hazardous production facilities of hazard classes 1-4. It should cover all hazardous production facilities located at the same physical address.

Updating of the Production Control Regulation is required in case of modernisation or technical re-equipment of the RPO, changes in safety systems, appearance of new hazardous production facilities, change of ownership of the enterprise, as well as in case of change of the legal address or name of the enterprise.

The Regulation on Production Control should be developed for all hazardous production facilities located on the same territory. However, if the enterprise has branches in other territories, a separate PPK should be developed for each branch.

Production control report - we will draw up a report

An industrial control report is an important reporting document that must be submitted by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs operating hazardous production facilities. Here are the main characteristics of the report:

  • Report content: The industrial control report includes information on measures taken to ensure industrial safety at the facility. This may include the results of inspections, examinations carried out, information on personnel training conducted, and compliance with industrial safety standards and requirements.
  • Due Date: The industrial control report must be submitted annually within the prescribed deadline. This means that enterprises must report on measures taken during the previous reporting period, which is usually one year.
  • Combining reporting: If an enterprise has several hazardous production facilities located at the same physical address, the production control report can be combined into a single report. This simplifies the reporting process and enables compliance with Gosnadzor requirements.
  • Responsibility for submission: Each legal entity or individual entrepreneur operating hazardous production facilities is responsible for timely submission of the industrial control report. This is a mandatory requirement stipulated by legislation and monitored by relevant authorities, including Gosnadzor.

Thus, an industrial control report plays an important role in ensuring industrial safety at hazardous production facilities and is a key element of interaction with regulatory authorities.

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