Industrial expertise

Industrial Safety Expertise (ISE)

Industrial safety expertise (ISE) is a procedure for assessing the compliance of a hazardous industrial facility, its components or project documentation with the legislative requirements and industrial safety rules established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 11 April 2014 No. 188-V "On Civil Protection".

The validity period of the industrial safety expertise report depends on the condition of the facility and can be from 1 to 20 years if it complies with legal requirements. After the expiry of this period, a repeated examination is required.

Operating a facility without an EPB report is punishable by fines, depending on the size of the company. Repeated violation or failure to comply with regulations after the imposition of an administrative penalty also results in penalties and possible forfeiture of the certificate.

If a facility is assessed as unsafe, various measures are possible, including modernisation through the development of a technical upgrade project.

The main difference between an expert examination and a technical inspection is that an expert examination implies the issuance of an opinion registered with the state authorities confirming the safety of an object. Whereas technical certification does not require such a conclusion and can be carried out by independent organisations.

The industrial safety expertise does not imply a change in the hazard class of the facility. If it is necessary to change the hazard class, it is recommended to re-identify and develop a project for technical upgrading.

Repeat examination is required after the expiry of the opinion or when the operating conditions of the facility change.

Expertise of industrial safety of project documentation

Expertise of industrial safety documentation is a mandatory procedure aimed at analysing the design documentation of a hazardous industrial facility in accordance with the norms and rules of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The industrial safety expertise opinion on the documentation is issued indefinitely, but any 

changes in the project documentation or deviations from it require adjustments and repeated 

expert review.

Expertise of industrial safety of design documentation is mandatory for hazardous production facilities before commencing works on their modernisation, liquidation or conservation.

Upon completion of the analysis, a conclusion is issued and registered with the state control and supervision authorities. A positive conclusion enables the customer to proceed with the implementation of works on modernisation, liquidation or conservation of a hazardous production facility.

However, it is not allowed to start implementing solutions of the project documentation before the positive conclusion of the industrial safety expertise is registered.

Expertise of industrial safety of technical devices and equipment

Expertise of industrial safety of technical devices is a procedure aimed at assessing the safety of equipment used at hazardous production facilities. The result of such expertise is a conclusion that either prolongs the safe operation of the device or recognises it as unsuitable for use.

The examination of technical devices requires the use of various nondestructive testing methods to assess their safety. The choice of method depends on the unique characteristics of each device and can help identify hidden defects that other methods may miss.

It is important to note that the expert judgement must be honest and objective. There is a risk of false positive conclusions in the market, which can lead to serious consequences for both the organisation and the company using unsuitable equipment.

The validity period of an industrial safety expert opinion for equipment depends on its condition and facility. Usually, if the specialist recognises the device as safe, the term can be extended up to 20 years. However, after the expiry of the conclusion, it is necessary to repeat the expertise.

The operation of a technical device without a favourable expert opinion is subject to fines, which can be significant and vary depending on the characteristics of the subject of the offence.

If a technical device proves to be unserviceable, modernisation options are available to improve safety. In this case, specialists develop an individual programme of action to solve the problem.

The company has the ability to travel to any region of the Republic of Kazakhstan to conduct inspections. Expertise of industrial safety is mandatory for each technical device at a hazardous production facility and must be carried out in accordance with the established deadlines.

Expertise of crane industrial safety

Crane industrial safety expertise plays an important role in ensuring safety at work. This procedure is aimed at determining whether the crane complies with legal requirements and industrial safety regulations. The result of the expertise is a conclusion containing information on the condition of the crane and its components, as well as indicating the possible terms of its operation.

The frequency of the examination depends on a number of factors, including the availability of the crane's data sheet, how long the crane has been in service, possible incidents or accidents, and the manufacturer's requirements. Typically, the examination is carried out before the crane is put into service and then periodically thereafter, according to a set period of time, which can be up to 20 years.

The examination identifies common defects such as damage, corrosion and failure of various crane components. Critical defects may render the crane unfit for service, but most problems can be corrected, allowing the crane to meet safety standards.

The process of crane industrial safety expertise includes several stages, starting from preparation for the survey and ending with the registration of the conclusion with the state control and supervision authorities. Each stage includes collection of documentation, examination of the crane by specialists using non-destructive testing methods, drawing up the conclusion and its registration.

Failure to obtain an industrial safety assessment report for a crane can have serious consequences in the form of fines imposed on individuals or legal entities, as well as lead to licence suspension. If a crane is found to be unserviceable, options for modernisation or replacement are available to ensure safety at work.

Boiler industrial safety expertise (Boiler EPB)

Boiler industrial safety examination is an important procedure aimed at ensuring safety in industrial conditions. Based on the results of the examination of the boiler and its components, a conclusion is issued, which indicates the degree of deterioration of the boiler and the possible terms of its further operation.

The period of validity of the industrial safety expertise report of the boiler depends on its technical condition and compliance with legal requirements. Usually this period is from 4 to 20 years. After the expiry of the specified period it is necessary to carry out a repeated examination.

The absence of a positive conclusion of the industrial safety expertise of the boiler may entail serious consequences in the form of administrative fines. The amount of the fine depends on the legal status of the violator and may be up to two hundred monthly calculation indices, with or without suspension of the licence. Repeated violations may result in even heavier fines and revocation of the licence.

In the absence of an examination report or its negative result, measures must be taken to bring the boiler into compliance with safety requirements or to replace it. It is important to comply with all regulatory requirements and to carry out regular inspections to ensure operational safety.

Expertise of industrial safety of vessels

Your description of the process of industrial safety expertise of pressure vessels is very informative. Let's explain the results of the expertise and their consequences in more detail.

  • Vessel is fit for use with an indication of the period of time: If the result of the examination shows that the vessel meets the safety requirements and its condition allows safe operation, the report will indicate the period of time during which it can be used safely.
  • Unserviceable: If serious defects or deterioration are found that renders the vessel unsuitable for safe operation, the report will note that the vessel should be discontinued and the process of elimination or replacement should be initiated.
  • Vessel fit for service with restrictions: Sometimes the results of an examination may show that the vessel can continue to be used, but only under certain conditions or with a restricted mode of operation (e.g. pressure reduction). In such a case, the report will specify these limitations.

In the event of a negative examination report where a vessel is found to be unserviceable, immediate action should be taken to remove or replace it to prevent possible accidents or incidents.

Failure to obtain a favourable expert opinion can result in serious administrative fines, as described earlier. Therefore, it is important for owners and operators of industrial facilities to conduct regular reviews to ensure safety and compliance with legal requirements.

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