
Geological monitoring

Geo Poisk LLС is one of the foremost CIS companies in providing high-quality and reliable monitoring for exploration investigations due to experienced and strong-willed geologists with knowledge of modern international QA/QC quality control standards at all stages of operations, which in turn ensures the reliability of work values close to 100%.

Mineral deposit exploration. Diamond drilling process monitoring.

Types of operations : 

  • Quality control of drilling operations according to JORC, KAZRC standards;
  • Training, retraining of the drilling team according to JORC, KAZRC standards (Geo Poisk LLC employs strong drilling foremen and heads of drilling sites who help the drilling team find solutions to complex issues and thereby improve both productivity and quality of drilling operations).
  • Core logging according to JORC, KAZRC standards and client requirements, with strict compliance with QA/QC quality control at all stages of work.
  • Core cutting by highly qualified specialists with a full understanding of the QA/QC quality control procedure at the cutting stage.
  • Core photographing is executed with professional cameras with further processing and uploading to server, as well as scaling in the geological column.
  • Compilation of a geological column (development and patent of Geo Poisk LLC), which gives the client the opportunity to check and compare geological logging, photographing, core recovery, RQD, sampling layout, grade analyses, gamma ray logging, electrical resistivity logging, magnetic susceptibility and etc.
  • Sampling and sample prep solves the main and final role of the entire complex of geological exploration. Geo Poisk LLC executes sampling by experienced samplers under the strict supervision of a Senior geologist.
  • Sample preparation: taking into account the complex QA/QC quality control processes, we try to convince the client and choose an international and certified laboratory for sample preparation and assay operations.
  • The NITON XRF analyzer is always at the fingertips of the core logging geologist, who is an assistant in determining ore and post-ore minerals.

Work experience and advantage of Geo Poisk LLC (Brief information)

During 2022-2023 Geo Poisk LLC has completed the following:

Logging of oriented and non-oriented core: 220,455 l.m.

Core cutting and sampling: 220,455 l.m.

Software used: Acquire, AGR, ARM Geolog, Leapfrog, AutoCAD, Imago

Projects: 42.

Projects supervised: 5.

Clients: 7 companies, 6 of them are major. 

QA/QC quality control reports – 42.

Research reports: 5.

Staff for diamond drilling process monitoring:

Geologists with 10+ years of experience: 27 people, incl. 30+ years of experience: 7 ppl

Geologists with 5+ years of experience: 15 ppl

Employees with experience within Geo Poisk LLC for more than 3 years: 10 ppl

Modeling Geologist: 4 ppl

Drilling experts: 4 ppl

Location: Russia, Kazakhstan

!!!! The main Client MISTAKES when choosing a contractor to monitor core drilling process:

Do not divide the drilling from the geological monitoring (violation of QA/QC quality control). Drilling and geological monitoring are often carried out in a complex, which is very beneficial to the drilling company and very unprofitable to a client, since in order to avoid defects in the drilling operations performed, the geologist can hide serious violations, and this will further lead to non-confirmation of reserves and re-drilling of the entire project at the client's expense.
Involving a geological company with a staff turnover. If there is a large turnover of personnel during the period of work, then it is likely to receive a low assessment of the quality control of exploration operations, which in turn may lead to additional financial costs.
Involving a geological company with a staff turnover. If there is a large turnover of personnel during the period of work, then it is likely to receive a low assessment of the quality control of exploration operations, which in turn may lead to additional financial costs.
Involve unskilled specialists in the work. It often happens that specialists do not match the CV/RESUME, and this mainly affects after the work is completed, and this leads to serious additional financial costs for the client.
Choosing a drilling company without qualified personnel or without a good procurement of the work process. The lack of good personnel (Rig operator) when executing drilling operations is currently very common, which leads to a low assessment of exploration operations.
Choosing an assay lab and weak lab control. Nowadays, there are a huge number of laboratories that do not undergo the QA/QC quality control process, which leads to a low assessment of a site or a deposit.
Geo Poisk LLC is aware of the significance and cost of the work performed and is ready to achieve the most ideal results of QA/QC quality control.

Occupational Safety and Health at Geo Poisk LLC is a priority at any site.

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